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Love Your Labia

It breaks my heart to see people struggling with their body image and so when the opportunity arises, I will always do what I canto help someone feel better. When an ex-partner told me that she was struggling with a particular trait that I personally find beautiful, I did my best to help her see it the way I do. The trait in question was her larger labia minora, which is a perfectly normal example of human variation. Unfortunately, due to misinformation caused by a lack of education, this is something that sometimes attracts negative comments and causes many people to feel insecure.

One day, we were out with friends and one made a non-targeted joke about it, to which

others responded with similar negativity. I told them to not be so immature and explained

that what they were saying was untrue, which caused them to shame me for liking it. This

one act undid months of improvement to my partners confidence and is a prime example of

why these things need to be discussed and why people need to be better educated.

To those who are struggling with any aspect of their body, I promise you that there is

someone out there who will find what you have to be beautiful and will love

it as part of you. Although, your sense of self-worth or body confidence should never be directly affected by what other people think. Your own happiness is paramount, and confidence is attractive in its own right, regardless of someone’s personal preferences.

Yours sincerely,

A man who cares.

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